November 10, 2015
Paul Joseph, Rotarian, Celina Postmaster and retired veteran of 26 years was the guest speaker at the Celina Rotary 11-10-2015 meeting. Paul who served in combat talked with pride about the many sacrifices of the men and women that have and are currently serving. Never take for granted the rights we have that were won and protected through our armed services stated Mr. Joseph.
In 1973 The draft was abolished and the critics were convinced that a volunteer army would never survive. This has been proven wrong as our current military branches are made up of all volunteers.
With the Iraq/and Afghanistan wars being the longest war in our nation’s history the military has been forced to structure their forces in a different fashion with over 57% of the total armed forces being made up of Guard and Reserve. These branches are doing vital tasks like DHS refueling, F-16’s and many other vital jobs.
With this prolonged war comes concerns from the VA. Increased caseloads and with the mindsets of the Millennials, Gen X, &Y, over 22 vets a day are committing suicide which is 6 times the norm.
The VA is currently overloaded with taking care of our Veterans, we as citizens can help by supporting the VA Administration in our voting choices and actively assisting in the many programs available privately and publicly.
Mr. Joseph was also the guest speaker at the November 11 Veterans Memorial Service. As Rotarian’s We appreciate his service and the fact he brings his skill sets to our club.